Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Unexpected, Amazing Fall in Love With Gracie

So for the past few years I have taken great measure to avoid these types of books. Why may you ask?.....because I'm single and I tend to compare every guy I meet with the perfect fictional ones. Amy McClung sent me this as a "loaner" threw an unfair contest on Facebook. Since you only get it for 14 days I figured I would pause on my other 4 current novels and read it. Not only was I shocked to be hooked within the first 2 chapters but I found I couldn't put this thing down.

**Spoilers may happen read at your own risk (you've been warned)

Gracie is a very sweet girl in college with her very best lifetime friends around her including her amazing (and very believable) best friend Cameron (he's FABULOUS!!) We meet Gracie after she starts hooking up with Hudson who we find out quickly is an asshat (one of my favorite words.) McClung sends us on a journey of everyday struggles with love, acceptance, and ultimately rape and domestic violence. As I read this book I found myself completely becoming Gracie through Amy's words. I experienced Gracie's difficulty with dealing with a possessive boyfriend, finding her  true (though seemingly) unattainable love and many issues today's novel do not deal with. McClung write on such an intimate level with her characters you can feel how much love and devotion she has placed in writing this book. I do not tend to get overly emotional as I read (it's happened but not like this). This book had me laughing so hard at the best Cam moments and thinking of some of my friends who are EXACTLY like him. The end had me crying like a baby as I said goodbye to characters as life moved on and dreams came true. I felt the joy Gracie felt as the epilogue played out in the end.

I was completely taken back by this book and I know anyone who reads it will be as well. As far as the writing goes it was great a few editor mistakes missed but nothing that takes away from the immersion of the story and probably not noticed by most people. All I can say is I definitely look forward to the rest of the series being written and hope Amy can capture the rest of the characters (Cameron) as well as Gracie and possibly expand on their endings and relationships with each other a bit more. The only bad thing I can say about the book is that it ended too quickly.

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